Thursday, April 16, 2015

Countries that helped Israel build nukes

"At least three countries were considered at one time or another to be the foreign supplier: the United States, France, Norway and, to a limited extent, the United Kingdom. In historical perspective, it appears that by 1958, the project's international master plan had become firmly drawn: France would be the foreign supplier, Norway would provide the heavy water and possibly the backup in case the French card went wrong, and the United States would provide a small peaceful package, under "Atoms of Peace," that could serve as the camouflage for the whole project, mostly as a way to conceal Israel's real achievement — Dimona — from the United States." "At the very core, of course, it is an Israeli secret - the largest, most comprehensive and longest-held secret Israel has ever generated. However, it is more than an Israeli secret; Israel had partners in this venture. The prime partner was the chief foreign supplier, France; the second was Norway, in concert with the British. And then there was the United States."