It is merely a rehash of the Hariri tribunal story and the theories of the Hariri family. Not a shred of one bit of new information. And for the guy who pretends is a stickler for accuracy (he brags that he discovered two typos only in the Hariri tribunal documents) this article has many inaccuracies and mistakes: 1) Samir Shihadeh is not in Canada. He has returned to Beirut. 2) his account of the founding of Hizbullah is laughable: on how Hafidh Al-Asad agreed to the plan of the founding when in fact the SYrian regime clashed with the party from 1982 to late 1990s. 3) The account of a Hizbullah MP threatening that the funding of the court "would be dangerous" is laughable as Hizbullah ministers approved funding in the Lebanese cabinet on more than one occasion. 4) His fiction about the "brilliance" of Wisam `Id is based on a silly and transparent attempt to camouflage the role of US and Israeli intelligence. 5) his account of the Lebanese civil war is a good comedy material: that Lebanese Christians basically fought against Palestinians in 1975 when in that part of the war it was largely Lebanese versus other Lebanese. 6) You would not know that Israel was bombing and intervening in Lebanon even prior to 1975 from this silly propaganda article that whitewashes the Israeli criminal role in Lebanon. 7) Rafiq Hariri never got a BA from Beirut Arab University as he claims: he took few courses and then left for Saudi Arabia. 8) Hariri was not "chosen" in 1992 as prime minister. He was installed by the Syrian regime and its intelligence apparatus, and in a violent way when the government of `Umar Karami was forcibly removed in the streets by Hariri hired thugs. 9) He does not mention how the Hariri court and investigation changed the direction of accusations on several occasions. 10) he conveniently left out the various accounts of bribery and falsewitnesses and of the errors in the phone numbers cited by the courts. Some phone numbers are by people who are still in Lebanon and who have nothing to do with the murder. 11) he does not mention the Jadidi leaks about the court. 12) he reveals that the major source on the suspects was none other than Israel itself.