"Mustafa Alani, an expert on security and terrorism at the Geneva-based Gulf Research Center, said he expects the changes to promote better decision-making with an infusion of new political blood as Salman confronts security challenges in Yemen, Iraq, Syria and Iran.
Alani said King Salman would likely continues his predecessor's establishment and easing restrictions on women, who are still barred from driving cars. "The direction is to go for more reform, not less," he said. "The environment has changed. You have social media, and nobody can control any society now. And I think this is understood by the leadership.""
Alani said King Salman would likely continues his predecessor's establishment and easing restrictions on women, who are still barred from driving cars. "The direction is to go for more reform, not less," he said. "The environment has changed. You have social media, and nobody can control any society now. And I think this is understood by the leadership.""