So I read the last issue of Charlie Hebdo. 1) It is clear that the cover was intended as a typical sleazy and sexual insult: the image of the male genitals are unmistakable: the attempt by Western media to not mention them is typical assumption that Arabs and Muslims are idiots and won't notice. No, there is male genitalia represented as the turban of the prophet. 2) Typically, there is one image of a rabbi and a few insults against Catholics, and they want to convince us that they suffice to prove that the magazine attacks all religions equally. Of course, not. The obsession with Islam and insults against all Muslims permeate every page of the magazine. 3) why no one has mentioned the most important part of the story: that the humor is really juvenile and not funny at all. It is quite stupid, if you ask me. Nothing leftist and nothing sophisticated. 4) Why no one mentions the sexist and sleazy imagination of the magazine: there is a clear obsession with pornographic representation of veiled Muslim women. This is the kind of colonial leftism or feminism that believes the West needs to drop bombs and rockets on Muslims to liberate their women.