Friday, December 12, 2014

Hariri tribunal in the Hague

I am not surprised that Western journalists who were so keen on covering the Hariri assassination and its aftermath (notice that they covered the assassination of the insignificant Hariri far more extensively than the assassination of Arafat).  The court has been a sham and the proceedings have been farcical.  The defense act in the most timid and restrained fashion and the judge rules like a judge in a Ba`thist court in Syria.  What a spectacle.  It is obvious that the US and Israel are running the show for their benefit and all the inconvenient materials have not been admitted in court.  It was mentioned in passing that the cellphone of Marwan Hamadi had contact from the same guy who is accused of plotting the assassination.  And the corrupt Jumblat minister, Marwan Hamadi, was allowed to rant for days and to basically offer political chatter without interruption and neither the defense nor the prosecution dared to ask him the most obvious question: what is your financial relation with the Hariri family?