Wednesday, November 05, 2014

Jehovah's Witnesses: the most repressed sect in Lebanon

By order of the Maronite church, which led a vicious campaign against protestants in the 19th and 20th century, this sect of Jehovah's witnesses are now the most oppressed. And if the Beirut office of Human Rights Watch has not become almost a mere arm of the Free Syrian Army-March 14, it would have told you about it.  The Lebanese state sometimes by order of the Maronite patriarch arrests members of the sect.  Membership is deemed to be criminal, just as the Maronite patriarchate led a campaign for the last decade against "satan worshipers".  But once the Beirut office of HRW finishes liberating Syria, it will move to report on human rights violations in Lebanon, provided the repression is not at the hand of March 14 coalition of which HRW is now an unofficial member.