Monday, September 08, 2014

What on earth is going on: a tribute to a terrorist suicide bomber on CNN

"His mother sheds tears for a son who never came home. British-born Abdul Waheed Majid was once a boy with his first bicycle in the 1970s.

Fast forward to February 2014, and he's posing with jihadi fighters moments before his suicide mission in Syria.

Abdul had phoned his brother, Hafeez, back in England a week before.

"He said he loved us all very much and he said I know you're looking after the family and if I've done any wrongs I hope you can forgive me for those wrongs," Hafeez said.

Abdul was born just outside of London to Pakistani parents and with appeared to be a normal British childhood. There are photos of awkward school uniforms, his new car and with relatives who fought in the British Army."