Tuesday, September 09, 2014

Leila Khaled on "Doctor Who"?

From Richard: "Perhaps, this is common knowledge, but, as a fan of Doctor Who from the mid-1970s in the early 1980s, I was surprised to come across this:

" . . . . For a supporting Sevateem character called Leela (who, like the tribe leader Andor, had also appeared in the outline for “The Mentor Conspiracy”), Boucher envisaged a mix of Palestinian terrorist Leila Khaled (whose name he also borrowed) and Diana Rigg's dynamic Emma Peel from The Avengers. On January 27th, 1976, full scripts for the serial were requested, now using the title “The Day God Went Mad”."

Also, from a description of another, later serial with the Leela:

". . . . . The Doctor refers to Galileo Galilei in passing, saying, "Galileo will be pleased." . .  In this episode, Leela and the Doctor are identified as "terrorists." In real life, Leela's character was partially based on Palestinian terrorist Leila Khaled."

The Sun Makers - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia