Saturday, September 06, 2014

British Socialists and ‘triumphant’ decapitations.

From Nu`man: "British Socialists and ‘triumphant’ decapitations.

From Tariq Ali’s book “Street Fighting Years”:

“As a minister in the Atlee government he was photographed in Malaya with a colleague, standing triumphantly, while at his feet lay the decapitated heads of executed communist guerrillas. It was a sorry epitaph for one of the great popularisers of socialism during the thirties.” pg. 32 (1987 edition)

Ali here is referring to John Strachey, who was Minister of Food in 1946; Secretary of State for War 1950-1951. He was Labour member of Parliament for Dundee between 1945 and 1950; thereafter  he represented Dundee West  between 1950 until his death in 1963."