Remarks (I translate from my remarks in Arabic on Facebook):
1) the New York Times published a story about the collaborators on the front page today. That is how dear Arab collaborators and informers for Israel are in the West.
2) Arab liberals (i.e. propagandists for Saudi princes) suddenly call for adhering to the Swedish law while they are dead silent about the process of beheadings in Saudi kingdom of horrors.
3) Some Palestinian human rights organizations (like some Lebanese human rights organizations) are only concerned about the lives of informers and collaborators.
4) Of course, information should be verified before sentencing occurs in order to avoid making mistakes that can't be corrected.
5) One should be careful regarding the plots of the Israeli enemy to transform and divert the conflict to an internal intra-Palestinian conflict: study what happened in the second phase of the Great Palestinian Revolt after 1937 when the pursuit of Zionist agents and collaborators degenerated into a Palestinian civil war sponsored by the Zionist leadership itself (especially through the Hashemites and the Nashashebis).
1) the New York Times published a story about the collaborators on the front page today. That is how dear Arab collaborators and informers for Israel are in the West.
2) Arab liberals (i.e. propagandists for Saudi princes) suddenly call for adhering to the Swedish law while they are dead silent about the process of beheadings in Saudi kingdom of horrors.
3) Some Palestinian human rights organizations (like some Lebanese human rights organizations) are only concerned about the lives of informers and collaborators.
4) Of course, information should be verified before sentencing occurs in order to avoid making mistakes that can't be corrected.
5) One should be careful regarding the plots of the Israeli enemy to transform and divert the conflict to an internal intra-Palestinian conflict: study what happened in the second phase of the Great Palestinian Revolt after 1937 when the pursuit of Zionist agents and collaborators degenerated into a Palestinian civil war sponsored by the Zionist leadership itself (especially through the Hashemites and the Nashashebis).