Thursday, August 07, 2014

One book on Palestine

If you are new to the Palestine problem, I do recommend--if I am asked--one book as a start: Walid Khalidi's From Haven to Conquest.  This is the bible of the understanding of the origins of the Palestine problem.  It should be devoured by all those who care about defending the Palestinian cause.

PS You should memorize the introduction by Khalidi.
PPS I was taking a course on "The West and the Middle East" at AUB in 1980 with Walid Khalidi. In talking about the Palestine problem, he would always refer to statistics and figures from this big book.  Until I asked him one day given the useful information it contains: what is this book, and he said: well, it is my book. I went that day to the Institute for Palestine Studies in Beirut and bought myself a copy.