Friday, July 04, 2014


James sent me this: "Have you noticed that the killing of Mohammed Abu Khdeir is always “in retaliation for” the killing of Naftali Frenkel, Gilad Shaer, and Eyal Yifrah, but the killing of the last three is never “in retaliation for” the killing of  Nadeem Nouwarah and Muhammad Mahmoud Salameh, and the wounding of Mohammad Mahmoud Odeh Salameh? Zionists still think they get to say when history begins and ends.
It’s the same way Usama and Mustafa Muamar remain completely unknown to Americans, though they were civilians kidnapped from Palestine the day before Tank Sgt. Gilad Shalit was captured in retaliation. To his credit, Noam Chomsky said “The steady drumbeat of accusations about the capture of Shalit is, again, blatant hypocrisy, even putting aside Israel's long history of kidnapping. In this case, the hypocrisy could not be more glaring. One day before Hamas captured Shalit, Israeli soldiers entered Gaza City and kidnapped two civilians, the Muamar brothers, bringing them to Israel to join the thousands of other prisoners held there, hundreds reportedly without charge. Kidnapping civilians is a far more serious crime than capturing a soldier of an attacking army, but as is the norm, it was barely reported in contrast to the furor over Shalit” ("Exterminate all the Brutes": Gaza 2009 ").
And of course, when any mainstream USA newspaper ever says “Palestinian military action X was in retaliation for the illegal Israeli occupation and ethnic cleansing of Palestine,” I promise to drop dead on the spot."