Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Palestine in Sweden: government versus people

From Uffe in Sweden: "Well. The liberals in Sweden stand by Israel even stronger than ever.
Our biggest morning paper Dagens Nyheter (the Daily news) editorial yesterday spoke about the deathcult in Hamas and makes it clear that Israel cannot be part of a two state solution as long as Hamas, the anti-semitic terrorists will rule. "Omvärlden kan knappast kräva att  Israel går med på en tvåstatslösning så länge en av de två staterna skulle ledas av bland andra antisemitiska terrorister."

They actually therefore stands by the occupation. Thats liberals. Pro-occupation. Pro-apartheid.

They say nothing about the occupation of course, which is actually why Hamas exists. They say nothing about the blockade. Its just Israel defending it self. Earlier in the week they had another editorial where they used internationell hasbara phrase: "its raining rockets over Israel." When they talk about the casualties, they actually said that Hamas weapons are to weak to kill anyone. So its only because Israel has better material that they kill more people.

They of course avoid the question in what ways the nonresistance have succeded for the west bank palestinians.

It fascinates me how easy it is for liberals to side with a state where the least racist ones still talk about palestinians as a demographic threat.

And the socialdemocratic leader in Sweden Stefan Löfvén was patheticly lame when he made a statement. He talked about Israels right for selfdefense. But that they should kill less people. He thinks 170 people is quite a lot of people that have been killed but deos not say that it is to many.
So. There you have it.
The palestinians have solidaritygroups but almost no politicians on their side in the west. Almost no media. "