Monday, July 21, 2014

Nathan Brown on Hamas

I am not sure what his points are but he says: "As a movement, Hamas offers resistance — attacking civilians, launching rockets and ransoming captives".  If you compare the casualties on both sides you can only reach the conclusion that Hamas resistance primarily has been directed at the soldiers, unlike the Israeli military which has largely butchered women and children.  He then tells you that the abduction of the 3 the three Israeli men (virtually portrayed as toddlers in the Western media although one of them was serving in the terrorist army) threatens more than the existence of Israel, and I don't know what that means, unless he is making a Sartrian philosophical point, which I don't think he is making:  "However, more than Israel’s existence is being threatened."  He then waxes poetic about the suffering of the poor Israelis: "Some have relocated farther away from Gaza, and those who remain show signs of stress".  The title should be: five myths that the mainstream media would print anything that contains balance, let alone sympathy for the Palestinians.

PS So Nathan: do you think that the Palestinians who have been suffering since 1948 show signs of stress at all, or is stress only symptom of the superior Jews of Israel?