Tuesday, June 03, 2014

Threats against Syrian voters: This Will NOT be reported by the Western correspondents in Beirut

These real (and not rumored) threats against Syrian voters will NOT be reported by Western correspondents in Beirut.  The other day, the polygamous Saudi-designated leader of the Syrian exile opposition issued a command ordering Syrians to stay home and not leave on "election" day in Syria.  But that was not enough, he followed then with a threat: that there will be bombings of polling stations and that Syrians should avoid voting (yet, he blamed the regime for those explosions).  So the Syrian exile opposition is maintaining this coherent position: that the Syrian regime will force Syrians to vote against their will, but will then bomb them upon arriving at the polling station.  The Lebanese allies of the Saudi regime participated in this campaign of threats and intimidation: Hariri Minister of Interior, Nuhad Mashnuq, suddenly issued an order saying that any Syrian in Lebanon who crosses the border this week will lose his/her status as refugee (and that, to the dismay of Hariri media, did not stop Syrians in Lebanon from crossing the border to vote).  Yesterday, New TV issued a report in which it interviewed Syrians in the US who flew to Lebanon and then crossed the border to Syria to vote (I am sure that Liz Sly and Anne Barnard will tell readers that those American Syrians were also intimidated by the Syrian regime into voting, and that those carriers of US citizenship flew because they are afraid of losing their Syrian documentation papers based on a "rumor" that Liz Sly reported).   The clown of the Syrian exile opposition, Michel Kilu (Bandar's tool, really) went further and reported this:  "People arriving from Syria report that a state of frenzy and insanity is gripping the regime, and that its armed men are threatening passersby in the street with arrest and death if they refrain from instant participation in parties of dancing and singing which are happening round the clock in streets and squares under the influence of the army and repression apparatus...young people and adolescent knock on doors, door-by-door ordering people to come down to the street participating in the "national wedding", i.e. dancing, singing, and chanting or expressing manners of happiness and joy".  SO if you see a happy Syrian chanting or dancing, he/she is forced to do so against his/her will, please remember that.  But Kilu did not explain those Syrians who changed and danced for Asad in Europe and Latin America.  Were they also forced to do so by thugs of the regime?  Reporting on Syria (East and West) has become one of the worst examples of journalism that I have seen in my years in the US.  Someone in the Columbia Journalism Review should do a study.   But that is not it: I read this headline in the mouthpiece of Prince Salman: "A Jordanian Official: "Sleeper Cells belonging to Asad are threatening Our Security".  So I though I should read further and I read these horrific details:  "A prominent Jordanian official revealed that the presidential election that took place in the Syrian embassy in Amman last week gave the Jordanian authorities indications about the existence of groups of Syrians, who are residents in Jordan and loyal to the regime of Bashshar Al-Asad, who COULD form dangerous sleeper cells that would threaten the security of the Jordanian state."  Word for word.