Because the US and Israel are behind the Hariri international tribunal, and because Saudi Arabia and its camp in Lebanon are supportive, the court is permitted to issue decrees that would not even be permitted in any Western country. This week, it issued yet another decree in which it said that defaming the court would lead to a 100,000 euros and seven years in jail. It also banned any use of secret information, which have been leaking from inside the court since its inception. Hell, New TV aired footage of the second in command of the Hariri court investigation in which he was seen taking bribes on camera. False witnesses were used as basis of crazy scenarios and then discarded without explanation. Four Lebanese generals were held as being responsible before being released for non-involvement. The court went through so many tracks of theories before settling on the Hizbullah track. Defaming this lousy court is a patriotic and national duty for the Lebanese people.