Wednesday, March 26, 2014

The White House and human rights in the Middle East

From K: "from RT "US criticizes Saudi denial of reporter visa"
"Correspondent working for Israeli newspaper only journalist denied visa to cover Obama's visit to the Kingdom"

the article speaks for itself, but basically says that it is a US national issue to push for a visa for a reporter- the same US that would not criticize a foreign country for bulldozing a US citizen to death while protecting civilians being attacked against international law. 
I can't even do justice to this story, it is so sickening:

"The White House said it was "deeply disappointed" and a journalists' group said it was outraged after Saudi Arabia denied a visa to a US citizen working for Israeli newspaper the  Jerusalem Post to cover President Barack Obama's trip to the kingdom later this week."

"Wilner, an American journalist working for the Israeli publication said in an editorial on the paper’s website he had "little doubt that my access was denied either because of my media affiliation or because of my religion."
The Jerusalem Post said top US officials including national security adviser Susan Rice had personally appealed to the Kingdom to issue a visa.
The paper said Wilner, a Jewish American, does not hold Israeli citizenship and has never lived in Israel.
The White House Correspondents' Association, a group that represents journalists, said the refusal of the visa to Wilner, who planned to travel directly to Saudi Arabia, was "outrageous."
"It is outrageous that the Saudi government has refused to allow a White House reporter entry to the country to cover this week's visit of President Barack Obama," the group said in a statement.
"The denial is an affront not only to this journalist, but to the entire White House press corps and to the principle of freedom of the press that we hold so dear," it added."