This is an actual recommendation from the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace: "•Provide weapons to opposition groups that enable them to shift the balance of power in their favor." The entire ideological spectrum in Washington, DC has been shifting rightwards since I came to the US back in 1983. The Washington Post back then carried some liberal opinions and even printed criticisms of Israel. Carnegie Endowment was actually left-of-center back in 1983. They should be ashamed for calling for arming of already-armed armed groups in Syria. Would the Carnegie Center in Beirut or Cairo ever dare call for arming of Lebanese and Palestinians to defend themselves against Israeli occupation and aggression? Not in a million years. You see why those Western NGOs are regarded with suspicion in the whole Arab world? Can you think of one Western NGO that does not carry the wishes of Western policies? One? They don't even dare blame Syrian armed groups when they obstruct humanitarian aid when those groups actually obstruct humanitarian aid as they are doing as we speak in Yarmouk camp.