Western media follow and give prominent coverage for every clerk that ever defected from the most remote department of the Syrian government (although such stories died down over the last year, one notices). But in recent months, there have been videos and stories about scores of defections from the lousy Free Syrian Army to the lousy Syrian regime army but none of the Western governments' media (I almost said Western regimes' media) covered it. They can never get themselves to cover anything that would not benefit the propaganda cause of the Free Syrian Army. That is why I am (indirectly and ironically) a fan of the brand of journalism represented by Liz Sly of the Washington Post: whether on Twitter or in the Washington Post she views her role as a propaganda advocate of the Free Syrian Army and makes no pretensions whatsoever about objective journalism--if there is such a thing--and there isn't. Ms. Sly tells you that she is about to serving the propaganda of the Free Syrian Army and that is what she does. She never even tries to represent a token view of the other side of the story. Just propaganda, and I really like that. I feel less deceived in reading her, and I told her that.