Saturday, September 21, 2013

update on forgotten Bahrain

From Angry Arab's chief correspondent on Bahrain:  "This is state department's latest press release.  Its definitely better than the ridiculous briefing that took place the day before. However in essence the policy is the same. Notice their failure to state what this dialogue actually consists of - it is not a dialogue between the opposition and the regime but between the opposition and pro-regime groups in Bahrain with the regime being the mediator. They also fail to mention that the dialogue has failed to produce anything substantial. In fact, they haven't even been able to agree on an agenda. So pretending that the opposition's withdrawal from the dialogue will be a big setback is quite humorous. Also if you want to laugh you should visit the actual website for the so called national dialogue:  It is quite nice looking I must say. That's all the Bahraini government is good at - marketing and pr without producing anything of substance. Check out the participants:   . First three groups are all the government and then you have the opposition societies. Also be sure to notice the government representatives - the Minister of Education, the Minister of Works and the Minister of Islamic and Justice Affairs, lol. No representatives of the King, PM or Crown Prince. I guess maybe they wanted to talk about "sunni-shia" issues in the education system. Of course the Minister of Islamic and Justice Affairs is also a powerful figure but the other two are insignificant (though both suck)."