From anonymous: "the myth that Assad has killed all 100,000 people in Syria. As if the other side isn't killing anyone. 100,000 is the UN figure for overall deaths, not how many one side has killed. (In the second paragraph of this Foreign Policy story by a writer who is a colleague of mine at the UN and who I've now challenged on this".
Tuesday, September 24, 2013
So how many people have Bashshar killed? 120,000. How many have the rebels killed? Not one single person, damn it. How dare you ask
From anonymous: "the myth that Assad has killed all 100,000 people in Syria. As if the other side isn't killing anyone. 100,000 is the UN figure for overall deaths, not how many one side has killed. (In the second paragraph of this Foreign Policy story by a writer who is a colleague of mine at the UN and who I've now challenged on this".