Wednesday, August 07, 2013

vast majority of the buyers came from Gulf countries, with 81 percent from Saudi Arabia, 10 percent from the United Arab Emirate and 4 percent from Kuwait

"An investigation by an Egyptian government body, the Child Anti-Trafficking Unit at the National Council for Childhood and Motherhood, found that 75 percent of respondents in surveyed rural communities knew girls who were involved in the trade and that most believed that rate was increasing. It estimated that the vast majority of the buyers came from Gulf countries, with 81 percent from Saudi Arabia, 10 percent from the United Arab Emirate and 4 percent from Kuwait. The study estimates that a summer-long marriage, usually lasting the duration of a seasonal Gulf tourist's visit, cost about $2,800 to $10,000. The unions can at times last a year or two, though; the "bride" is typically expected to travel back to her buyer's home country where she may work as a domestic. One-day marriages can cost as little as $115."