"This isn't the way it's supposed to be," said Hamdi
Abdelgelil, who stood in the courtyard of the mosque as men with sticks pummeled
a man attempting to leave. "Beat him, beat him," they chanted as the man
retreated back inside, running up stairs that were speckled with blood. Some people emerged from the mosque already injured, but
the crowds did not relent. "Good, good, let them be beaten to death," someone
said as a bandaged man struggled to walk through the mob. Then another
anti-military protester was brought out of the mosque, and the man yelled:
"Bring him here, bring him here." The protester, his shirt ripped open, his
glasses askew, winced under a constant barrage of fists. "Get off me, get off
me," he pleaded." (thanks Basim)