"Beginning with the invasion and occupation of Iraq and
the Salafi and Takfiri anti-Shi‘i propaganda and funding oozing out of
Saudi Arabia and (more recently) Qatar, Sunni sectarianism towards Shi‘a
in Lebanon took on more prominent religious registers. Start up Salafis
and start up Takfiris, funded and protected by Saudi Arabia and the
Hariri family (who would rather burn the country than give up its
“right” to power) became commonplace in Lebanon—the most prominent among
them being Ahmad al-Asir. After Hizballah wholeheartedly, and publicly
began to fight alongside the Asad regime in Syria—a conflict that has
itself become colored red by Sunni-Shiite sectarianism and Takfiri
groups—inter-Muslim sectarianism took on even more religious overtones
in Lebanon. The video that claimed the bombing may not be “real,” and we
may never know who in fact was behind the carnage. The perpetrators may
not be Lebanese, but nevertheless the video has a Lebanese audience
versed and primed in its script and its affective registers."