Sunday, August 11, 2013

How Arab rulers are contolled by Saudi Arabia

Are you aware that there is a longstanding Saudi policies of controlling Arab rulers by hefty cash payments? Do you know that every new Arab ruler (president or even Kings in the case of poor Jordan and Morocco only) is rewarded by Saudi Arabia and by UAE with a large payment?  I don't know the exact amount except in the case of Lebanon: every new Lebanese president receives a payment of $5 million from Saudi Arabia (and $5 million from UAE) while the prime minister (Sunni according to Lebanese tradition) receives $20 million from Saudi Arabia (I dont know the amount of the payment from UAE but it is likely in the same range).  Even the (Shi`ite) speaker of parliament receives a payment but I don't know the exact amount (probably between the payment of president and the payment of prime minister).  When Najib Miqati was designated prime minister, he received the payment from the Saudi Ambassador but told them that he would not need it and asked instead that whenever he goes to Saudi Arabia for religious purposes, that he be met by the King.  Saudi government did not live up to its end of the bargain: Miqati was punished for his alliance with Hizbullah.