"Saudi Arabia is a deeply authoritarian regime that is witnessing growing
displays of resentment and anger by disaffected members of its own population.
This includes a sizeable segment of its youthful, politically aware and social
media savvy population that is calling for greater freedom and reform and a
sizeable Shi’a minority that faces severe discrimination by a political and
religious establishment that views them as heretics and apostates. Consequently,
Saudi Arabia fears the precedent of a democratic, modern and Islamist-oriented
movement that can organize political action. It should come as no surprise that
Saudi Arabia, along with the UAE and Kuwait, has welcomed Mursi’s fall in
Egypt. Democracy, by definition, severely threatens the viability of the royal
family as the dominant political and economic entity. Saudi Arabia also harbors
concerns over the potential return of Egypt as a major geopolitical player in
the Middle East." (thanks William)