Tuesday, August 06, 2013

Anne Barnard on rebel advances

It is hilarious how Anne Barnard (and Western media in general) view their role as cheerleaders for the Syrian armed movement.  Notice that the most minor rebel advance, whether the takeover of a base or a checkpoint, warrants a headline and a full article while the takeover of a city or town by regime army is mentioned only in passing.  And notice this effort to exaggerate the significance:  "But if it holds, the rebels’ seizure of the Minakh base in Aleppo Province will challenge the government’s assertion that it is rolling to victory..."  I mean, if you want to insert the language of "If" in the article, why not stop here.  Why not add: If the rebels succeed in controlling of Syria and then Persia and Spain, this would be the biggest victory since the armies of Khalid Bin Al-Walid took over Syria in the 7th century.