Saturday, August 31, 2013
gas masks in Israel: for Jews only
Sisi forces
"critical services" to the Syrian people such as Shari`h courts: CNN
Israel's dirty hands in Syria
Why didn't the administration act three days before the launch of chemical weapons, according to its own chronology?
What John Kerry Knows
BBC Middle East website
The Sisi "revolution"
Western moral outrage
Western wars against natives
"From <em>Culture and Imperialism</em> by Edward Said:
<blockquote>The core of French military policy as Bugeaud and his officers articulated it was the razzia, or punitive raid on Algerians' villages, their homes, harvests, women and children. "The Arabs," said Bugeaud, "must be prevented from sowing, from harvesting, and from pasturing their flocks." Lacheraf gives a sampling of the poetic exhilaration recorded time after time by the French officers at their work, their sense that here at last was an opportunity for guerre à outrance beyond all morality or need. General Changarnier, for instance, describes a pleasant distraction vouchsafed his troops in raiding peaceful villages; this type of activity is taught by the scriptures, he says, in which Joshua and other great leaders conducted "de bien terribles razzias," and were blessed by God. Ruin, total destruction, uncompromising brutality are condoned not only because legitimized by God but because, in words echoed and re-echoed from Bugeaud to Salan, "les Arabes ne comprennent que la force brutale [Arabs only understand brute force]."</blockquote>
From <em>Recovering the Sacred</em> by Winona LaDuke, quoting George Washington:
<blockquote>The immediate objects are the total destruction and devastation of their settlements and the capture of as many prisoners of every age and sex as possible. It will be essential to ruin their crops now in the ground and prevent their planting more....Our future security will be in their inability to injure us, the distance to which they are driven, and in the terror with which the severity of the chastisement they receive will inspire them.</blockquote>"
tools of God
American democracy in action
NSA hacks Aljazeera
In addition to cracking the airline reservation services for Russian airline Aeroflot, accessing "Al Jazeera broadcasting internal communication" was listed as a "notable success," the document shows. The NSA said these selected targets had "high potential as sources of intelligence."
The encrypted information was forwarded to the responsible NSA departments for further analysis, according to the document, which did not reveal to what extent the intelligence agency spied on journalists or managers of the media company, or whether the surveillance is ongoing.
Previous documents seen by SPIEGEL have not specified that the media were spied on by the NSA. But as more information emerges, the massive scope of the organization's international surveillance of telephone and Internet communication continues to grow."
so how many died in the Syrian chemical attack? It depends on who you ask?
What gas mask shortage in Israel?
Vive l'Union des Egoistes
The article itself:".
And now a word from the patriotic Syrian "revolution"
Obama and Congress
A Congressional vote
American standards of sympathy
poverty of American liberalism: the case of Nicholas Kristof
Hazim Al-Biblawi: the prime minister of Egypt
Saudi Arabia and the Muslim Brotherhood
Exclusive: Anne Barnard has a scoop. She says that "no one in the Middle East" oppose US strikes
For some reason, dumb Western media still can't believe that there are Sunnis who support the regime
Anne Barnard makes things up, yet again
Do you want to know what American political science look like?
Friday, August 30, 2013
A war Without End
Nobel Prize
Thug and a murderer
Amnesty International
Doctors without Borders is now a tool of the US war machine
The biggest moral question to John Kerry and the silly report
Aggressive hacking by the US
Israel's dirty hands in Africa
Moral activities of Western powers
Rebel leader: war as a moral responsibility
The moving of prisoners to likely targets
The John Kerry intelligence report: where is Colin Powel?
Comrade Bassam sets the record straight
If you want sophisticated non-simplistic answers to Middle East problems, Fouad Ajami is your man.
Making the case for war
Criminal regime
There is no lie that is fabricated by the Syrian exile opposition of Saudi Arabia and Qatar that is not believed
The vulgar sectarianism of former secular Sadiq Jalal Al-Azm
"...une petite secte minoritaire (alaouites), utilise les armes les plus modernes pour écraser la révolte de la majorité sunnite du pays. Il n'y a pourtant pas eu, à notre connaissance, de mesures massives de représailles contre les villages alaouites par des villageois et/ou des soldats sunnites."" (Thanks "Ibn Rushd").
Bombings in Tripoli
Another question
Who used chemical weapons in Syria
Phone intercepts from Damascus
Correction: on the role of the US regarding UN inspectors
The role of the social scientist
Thursday, August 29, 2013
IPad, damn it
World exclusive. Read all about it. Iran is also an accomplice in the Syrian chemical attack. David Ignatius found the evidence.
Worse than fake emotions...
And now a word from the land of the French revolution: "French men beat woman, tell her 'dirty Muslim go back to your country'
Arab public opinion and the attack on Syria: from Carol Samahah

Not known for expressing political views, Lebanese pop star, Carol Samahah today posted this picture on her twitter account (she is shown, front). The caption says: "No, to foreign intervention in our affairs".
Damascus: between two newspapers
Israeli gas masks
gas masks in...Israel
What Western human rights organizations are about
I like this line: to engineer an opposition
Western intervention in Syria
Not in the mainstream US press
role of UNIFIL
Palestinian child laborers
House of Saud research: WIKIPEDIA
Time magazines awards the West Bank to Israel
So guess where the "evidence" for Syrian chemical weapons came from?
So according to House of Saud media, the Salafis are the moderates
Flash. The US ambassador in Egypt denies that she is involved in a conspiracy
US wars and international law
Amnesty International advises the West on how to best attack Syria
West can make its Syrian bombing campaign more "humanitarian". It includes such points as "Take all necessary precautions in attacks to spare civilians". I await with baited breath the same line directed at Hizballah during the next Israeli aggression on Lebanon."
The new Iranian foreign minister
uglier than Saddam
Who can do this with a straight face except the New York Times
Hizbullah intervention versus US intervention in Syria
Iraqi WMDs

Wednesday, August 28, 2013
John Kerry and his wife and Bashshar Al-Asad and his wife: warning. It is an intimate dinner

Same Iraq play book
This is hilarious: New York Times refers to Western wars as "humanitarian causes"
The unreported achievements of US forces in Iraq
Similarly, airstrikes in 1991 on bunkers at the Muthanna chemical weapons complex near Samarra, Iraq, led to security and environmental problems that continue to the present day."
Highly accurate weapon means that only innocent Arabs but not Westerners would die
Samantha Power
Hitti and Near East Studies
ha ha ha: New York Times on Syria coverage
Compilation of Church statements against military intervention in Syria
Kind regards
VATICAN: The Vatican's official daily on Tuesday blasted western powers for preparing possible military action against Syria despite an ongoing UN investigation into an alleged chemical weapons attack near Damascus.... “Various international actors appear no longer to consider the investigation a determining factor” L’Osservatore Romano. 27/08/2013
VATICAN at the UNITED NATIONS: Archbishop Silvano Tomasi, Permanent Observer of Holy See to the United Nations stated that "There should not be a judgement until there is sufficient proof"...... "What immediate interest would the government in Damascus have in causing such a tragedy?"...... "Experience has shown with Iraq and Afghanistan that armed intervention does not bring any constructive results," he said. 22/08/2013
PRESIDENT OF CARITAS (Catholic Aid Agency) SYRIA: "If there is an armed intervention, that would mean, I believe, a world war.” Chaldean Bishop of Aleppo, Antoine Audo. 26/08/2013
SYRIAC CATHOLIC CHURCH: Syrian Catholic Patriarch Youssef III Younan “We Syrian Christians, sold by the West for oil.”... In the days when discussing military intervention, the patriarch once again criticizes "the cynical and machiavellian politics" of powers in these two and a half years they have armed the rebels, only to realize that there can be no military solution to the crisis.” 26/08/2013
MARONITE CATHOLIC CHURCH LEBANON & THE MIDDLE EAST: The Maronite Patriarch, Cardinal Bechara Rai "there is a plan to destroy the Arab world for political and economic interests" 24/08/2013
RUSSIAN ORTHODOX CHURCH: Russian Orthodox Church strongly criticised the US position, which is "completely one-sided.".... "Once again, as was the case in Iraq, the United States is acting as an international executioner" said Metropolitan Hilarion, head of the Department for External Relations of the Moscow Patriarchate...... "Without the endorsement of the United Nations, they want to decide the fate of a whole country of millions of inhabitants." 27/08/2013
ORTHODOX ARCHBISHOP JERUSALEM: Archbishop Theodosios (Atallah Hanna) of Sebastia Greek Orthodox Patriarchate of Jerusalem, "we appeal to all those of goodwill and good intentions in this world to work to prevent any military action against Syria because this will bring more destruction and devastation, murder and the fall of innocent people.” ......”Syrians are the ones who decide the fate of their country without any foreign intervention.”
Western assumptions
Wouldn't this be worth considering before launching the missles? I guess that depends on a person's goal, doesn't it?"
Turkish-Israeli trade growing
Al-Qa`idah Air Force
Saddam's chemical weapons
The US government knew of the fact that Iraq was using chemical weapons, and did not deter them
more than 15,000 Syrian refugees
Terrorist mosques
Designating an entire mosque as a terrorism enterprise means that anyone who attends prayer services there is a potential subject of an investigation and fair game for surveillance.
Since the 9/11 attacks, the NYPD has opened at least a dozen "terrorism enterprise investigations" into mosques, according to interviews and confidential police documents. The TEI, as it is known, is a police tool intended to help investigate terrorist cells and the like.
Many TEIs stretch for years, allowing surveillance to continue even though the NYPD has never criminally charged a mosque or Islamic organization with operating as a terrorism enterprise.
The documents show in detail how, in its hunt for terrorists, the NYPD investigated countless innocent New York Muslims and put information about them in secret police files. As a tactic, opening an enterprise investigation on a mosque is so potentially invasive that while the NYPD conducted at least a dozen, the FBI never did one, according to interviews with federal law enforcement officials.
The strategy has allowed the NYPD to send undercover officers into mosques and attempt to plant informants on the boards of mosques and at least one prominent Arab-American group in Brooklyn, whose executive director has worked with city officials, including Bill de Blasio, a front-runner for mayor.""
such skeptical views don't appear in major US newspapers: they simply are not allowed
Rebels have claimed the Syrian army fired the chemical weapons, but given the rebels' extreme self-interest in pointing the finger at the government and ginning up U.S. military action, we must be wary of letting the tail wag the dog.
It has been widely reported that some of the rebel forces in the Damascus area are extremists with links to Al Qaeda. The sniper fire and continued threats that blocked the U.N. team from inspecting chemical attack sites Tuesday may have come from those extremists. The Pentagon reported that Al Qaeda used chlorine gas bombs in Iraq in 2006 and 2007, and in June of this year, the Iraqi military claimed it broke up an al Qaeda ring manufacturing sarin and mustard gas. So it is surely not inconceivable that Al Qaeda, rather than the Syrian army, might be the responsible party for the recent attacks. All this deserves serious consideration." (thanks Robert)
Evidence of the CW in Syria
what? By what logic?
grotesque propaganda for Syrian rebels
How could?
"Good" Western war of aggression on Syria versus "bad" war of aggression
Anne Barnard seeks Answers
The token Arab errand boy: Cicero of Syria
what is missing?
Foreign interventions in civil wars
Arab League
Syria is under attack
The "Resistance" Media
Supporting Obama
I want you to know this: Washington is a humane and sensitive place where emotions flows at the drop of a hat
How can you take seriously Western media, including the "respected" Washington Post, when it comes to foreign affairs
Tuesday, August 27, 2013
And now a word about a massacre that does not move the hearts of Western nations because it was perpetrated by your gangs in Syria

Look at the ages and gender of the victims from the Lataki sectarian massacres. (thanks Amani)
Arab reactions to Western attacks.
These are not Muslims: if they were some Western feminists would be calling for an invasion
"It is governed by ultra-Orthodox rabbis, with prayer areas segregated by sex, and women are required to dress modestly and refrain from singing aloud. Since the late 1990s, mixed prayer has been allowed at Robinson’s Arch, by appointment, during limited hours and for a fee.
After 25 years in which legislation and legal rulings barred women from wearing prayer shawls and phylacteries at the site, the activist group won a court victory this spring allowing members to pray as they wish. Over the past several months, thousands of ultra-Orthodox young people have crammed the site to prevent the women from using it,creating a new set of problems."
Egyptian tamarud movement on possible US attack on Syria
This is the clearest and most honest expression of American goals: that the US aims at prolonging the Syrian civil war
Sixty-six former U.S. government officials and foreign policy experts sent a letter to Obama urging war on Syria
Western media never learn
Flash: MSF: Doctors without Borders as a tool of US foreign policy
PS My sources are inside sources, obviously.
psychological operations in the Arab media
Israelʼs new tactic: Classifying Eritreans as Ethiopian to deport them
Only one petition against the Interior Ministryʼs classifications has been accepted by a judge, out of 19 submitted.The Interior Ministry is challenging asylum claims by Eritreans who, it says, are Ethiopian and thus eligible for deportation. A Central District Court judge has ruled in favor of the state in 18 out of 19 petitions against the ministryʼs classification."