Wednesday, July 31, 2013
Saudi police on the hunt for a 'witch' housemaid
Nabil Fahmy must be furious
Imagine if this happened in a Muslim city
threats of crayons
The political role of the Qatari-funded Syrian Observatory for Human Rights
Every time the Syrian rebels lose a town, it is said in the Western media that it is key as a link to the `Alawite heartland
The new Saudi King?
UAE repression
Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch have vehemently protested against the mass arrest of 94 people, their alleged torture while in Abu Dhabi jails, a "fundamentally unfair" trial, and long prison sentences with no right of appeal handed down earlier this month to the 69 people convicted. Amnesty said the treatment of the 94 in the United Arab Emirates, where Sheikh Mansour al-Nahyan's family, rulers of the richest emirate, Abu Dhabi, are dominant, "shows the authorities' determination to crush any form of dissent"."
Bishop Labib Kopti
US and Saudi Arabia: don't intrude. It is way too intimate
How did the Lebanese state deal with the Israeli declaration of occupation in May 1948

US really cares about Lebanon's oil and gas discoveries
Egyptian liberalism: Amr Hamzawy
Monday, July 29, 2013
Bishop Labib Kopti of San Francisco
Bishop Labib Kopti of SF is circulating bigoted anti-Islam videos via email. I won't cover up for him because he is pro-Palestinian.
Franklin Lamb's congressional contacts and dumb Hizbullah media
Don't you like his congressional contacts who all sound just like him? " When asked for the main reasons the EU caved to White House pressure, a congressional contact who works with the Office of White House liaison succinctly replied: “Getting Israel of their backs for the EU boycott of the West Bank settlements, Assads apparent victory in Syria aided big-time by Hezbollah, and Obama wanting some progress with Kerry’s ‘peace talks’ project. He added, “Plus it was a politically inexpensive feel good affair that won’t have any real impact except for a PR gain for Livni who will use it in her campaign to replace Netanyahu.”". You have to be as dumb as Hizbullah media to believe this.
Flash. Breaking story. Shadi Hamid is learning about Middle East politics
Church repression of the arts in Lebanon
This is noticeable in Western media and Western human rights organizations that serve as mere arms of US foreign policy apparatus: they don't report about gruesome sexist murders in the region if the killers are Christian and they don't report about religious repression when at the hands of the church.
Did you know that Muslim women in Lebanon don't wear jeans?
This ignorant Zionist "reporter" is able to know they are Christian from their jeans: " Young Christian women in skintight jeans, high heels and super-skimpy tops flirted with tanned beach boys". (Thanks Talal)
Syrian refugees in Lebanon
" With the government providing none of the facilities and land that authorities in Turkey, Jordan and Iraq have allocated for the refugees, many Syrians in Lebanon live in appalling conditions, finding shelter in slums, tents and tin shacks strung with laundry lines and wedged between farm lands outside towns and cities. On a casual walk in Beirut, one finds Syrians sheltering in underground parking lots, under bridges and old construction sites with no running water, sanitation, electricity or protection from Lebanon's sizzling summers and its freezing winters." (thanks Basim)
Repression in Ramallah
From a reader: "I am sending you this video to show the extent of suppression that the PA police took yesterday against the PFLP protest against return to negotiations in Ramallah. Kindly keep me anonymous. The police beat up MP member Khaleda Jarrar of the PFLP and scores of others and took 4 injured men from the hospital for detention. The men were later released in the night after a protest again in front of the police station in the Manara square. The second protest, shortly after the Iftar was marked with (shabiba) Fatah men who tried to cause discord and schisms with the protesters and harassing them saying things like : We have kept our women in the house, bel rouh bel dam nafdeek ya abu Mazen, whereas the protesters called after Palestine: bel rouh bel dam nafdeeki ya flisteen. Clearly this time around the extreme violence that the PA police used means that the PA does not want any objections to the return to negotiations with Israel and they are inspired by El Sissi's suppression of dissent in Egypt among the Muslim Brothers. "
Edgeware Road bookstores
Something is quite noticeable in Edgeware Road in London: the publication of Saudi political opposition literature has markedly slowed down thereby indicating to me the disappearance of Qatari subsidies.
A new Qatari opposition grouping
The first statement from a new Qatafi opposition grouping. (thanks Andrew)
Sunday, July 28, 2013
Where are your fake sympathies for this Syrian in Canada
"Toronto police are facing harsh criticism after a video of officers fatally shooting an 18-year-old man armed with a knife on an empty streetcar was posted online over the weekend." "Police can still be heard yelling, "Drop the knife," after the shots are fired. About 30 seconds after the first shot a police officer climbs up the steps of the streetcar and the sound of a Taser can be heard." (thanks Amir)
Stand by your man
Dowd: " WHEN you puzzle over why the elegant Huma Abedin is propping up the eel-like Anthony Weiner, you must remember one thing: Huma was raised in Saudi Arabia, where women are treated worse by men than anywhere else on the planet."". All Arab-Americans had the same reaction to this trash: did Hillary also grow up in Saudi Arabia? (thanks Nasir)
Hamas crawling back
It is clear already. In light of the war on Hamas in Egypt, Hamas is already crawling back humiliatingly to the Iran-Hizbullah fold.
2nd generation of Saudi princes have taken over
Assafir newspaper had it right a few days ago: that Saudi Arabia is now run by a troika of princes; Bandar bin Sultan, Abdul-Aziz bin Abdullah, and Muhammad bin Nayif.
Forbidden love in Lebanon
My weekly article in Al-Akhbar: "Forbidden love and the male sexual organ"
From Jadaliyya: the Sisi coup "revolution"
" Similar to what they have done after 11 February 2011, the officers today are promoting a narrative in which they have (once again) intervened heroically to save the day and “protect the revolution.” Accordingly, after they helped oust Morsi out of power, the officers are now asking Egyptians for pay back. The people are now to offer a blind, if not supportive, eye to the military practices as it employs deadly force, repression, and xenophobia to force its challengers into submission. The fear mongering discourse that the military has used as part of its “war on terror” initiative has clearly turned into more than just “words,” after security forces killed dozens of Muslim Brotherhood protesters Friday night, and dozens others in previous attacks. Yesterday’s brutal attacks came right after millions of Egyptians rallied in nationwide public gatherings in support of Minister of Defense Abdel Fattah al-Sisi’s request for a popular mandate to deal with imminent “terrorist” threats. Many media outlets and opinion shapers in Egypt have uncritically expressed support for this alarming development. This pattern only highlights the extent to which advocates of dignity and justice in the country face an uphill battle in countering the attempts of the military and their allies to liquidate political dissent and dictate the terms of the new political order." (Thanks Bassam)
The Obama administration on Egypt
" “We will not say it was a coup, we will not say it was not a coup, we will just not say,” the official said."
It is official now: Sisi for president
Sisi-for-president campaign has started.
American eugenics
""While North Carolina's numbers might pale in comparison, the state was consistently the most aggressive. Under the guise of public health and safety, North Carolina was the only state to allow social workers to designate people for sterilization, the New York Times reported. The standards by which an individual could be forcibly sterilized in the state were also some of the most lax in the nation. Unmarried women with children, African Americans, individuals with an I.Q. under 70, the mentally ill and children from poor families were just some of the many groups all routinely sought out and sterilized. In records obtained by the Charlotte Observer, patient notes for sterilized victims paint a by-the-book, apathetic disregard for the well being of those coming in and out of surgery. "A woman, 24, pregnant with an out-of-wedlock child: This girl is sexually promiscuous and a pauper," reads one. "A woman, 35, deserted by her husband years before, who has just given birth to her ninth child: She is unable to provide the barest necessities for them or to give them minimum supervision and care," reads another. In a March 1945 article for The Charlotte News, freelance writer Evangeline Davis made the case for eugenics: "No matter what our feelings concerning the mentally deficient, it is senseless and cruel, in the end, to permit them to procreate and bring into the world more of their kind," she wrote."" (Thanks Christian)
This should be a major political event
Marwan Al-Mu'ashshir announces his plan to return to Jordan to lead a new political party comprising all five of his supporters (sorry, four because one just left). He also said that he was a democrat even when he served as Minister of Censorship. The return of Mu'ashshir to Jordan is as dramatic as the return of Ahmad Chalabi to Iraq.
Sisi's war on terror
The features of the new coup regime and the aim of the new megalomanic of Egypt are by now clear. The attempt to steal from the aura of Nasser is comical if not tragic and murderous. Western media, still suffering from Cold War the of Nasser, refer to Nasser as dictator. In one day Sisi killed more than the Nasser's regime in its entirety. There was no such mass shooting under Nasser. And you look at the Western media and you see casual justifications of the mass shooting. No calls in the Western media for arming the Ikhwan as they do in the case of Syria. Egyptian liberals and some leftists and some Nasserists there are walking to the scaffold head high and under heavy dosage of delusions as those communists who aligned themselves with Khomeini. Look at this sample of description, nay justification, of the shooting: "The clashes started in the late evening of Friday when protesters from the Rabea al-Adaweya sit-in marched toward the October Six Bridge and started blocking its entrance on Nasr Street, eyewitnesses said. The police intervened and fired tear gas to disperse them. Clashes started shortly after, with birdshot and live ammunition used."
Exclusive: How Saudi Arabia picked leader of the Syrian exile opposition
This is what has not been reported about how Saudi Arabia picked the leader of the Syrian National Coalition, with the full support of the (fake) progressive boy of Bandar, Michel Kilu. Ahmad Al-Jarba, the tribal polygamist who was unknown in opposition circles inside and outside Syria, was picked purely because he is related by marriage to Saudi King Abdullah. The Saudi King is currently married to two sisters from Al-Jarba family: Tadi and Malika Al-Jarba (his other two wives are from the Sha'lan and the Muhanna families.) Enjoy your Syrian polygamist "revolution".
PS Correction. Tadi and Malikah are cousins and not sisters.
Friday, July 26, 2013
To all the Syrian and non-Syrian secularists who supported this creature of Qatar and US
Ahmad Muaz Al-Khatib wrote this on his Facebook page (my translation): "Can someone point out to me a patriotic and neutral secularist in the Syrian opposition?". This is supposed to be the moderate of the religious kooky bunch. (Thanks Ahmad)
Thursday, July 25, 2013
Correction: Nasser and Sisi
occupiers' poetry
repression of Palestine
Those are the moderate elements of the Syrian "revolution"
occupiers unite
PETA's love affair with Israel
"I did a little research today, and it seems that PETA is enamored with Israel. In one blog post they literally sent their "kisses to Israel".
“Israel has already been at the forefront in this area, so this is not unexpected. But it is a wonderful example,” she said.
Like Brody and Carrie and the other characters on Homeland, Gideon is also a person of great depth and sensitivity.
killing children in Pakistan
If these were Muslims...
Fascism in the making in Egypt?
Sisi's speech
Wednesday, July 24, 2013
Shi`ite Twelvers and `Alawites
"I do not recall any fatwa from Khomeini in this regard. But his legal language - unlike Musa al-Sadr's - is very dry. His sentences would probably read something like "whoever does so and so is not a Muslim" leaving it to the reader's discretion to match the description with actual labels (this is how Khamenei goes about the question of certain sects in Iran).
At the University of Miami, you can earn credit for Zionism
"The program was great because it allowed us to not only learn about what's happening with Israel but also the entire Middle East, so I got the opportunity to learn a broader perspective on the entire conflict and I got to see from multiple perspectives of what's happening there," Baumoehl, a senior who resides in West Palm Beach, said."
To readers outside of the US: this in the US passes as sophisticated, topnotch analysis of foreign affairs--kid you NOT
The natives just can't perform without the guiding hands of the White Man
Cancellation of the delivery of the F-16s
"3 quotes Martin Chulov will never use."
Hate from the coup revolution in Egypt
During his rule from 1956-1970, President Gamal Abdel-Nasser upgraded the rights of Palestinians in Egypt, giving them equal status to Egyptians."
Nicholas Blanford on Hizbullah: he reveals that the organization is secretive although its fighters and commanders have no qualms in revealing secrets to him
A Palestinian collaborator sues the PA chief collaborator
Western embassies and Arab visitors
can you imagine the international uproar if this was said about Jews? The Roma people never count
funding the Egyptian coup
Where are "the Syrian people" in this?
Israel is grateful for the Sisi revolution
Let me guess: Western animal rights groups won't notice. Can you imagine the uproar if it was an Arab or Muslim soldier who did this?
One royal baby
Defections back in Syria
Human Rights Watch won't be investigating those crimes by the glorious rebels in Syria
To the surprise of Western journalists only, who take all their clues from pronouncements of Western governments
The new Emir of Qatar
Fascist tendencies of the Tamarrud movement
ندعو جموع الشعب المصرى العظيم للإحتشاد فى ميادين مصر الجمعة القادمة والمطالبة رسميا بمحاكمة محمد مرسي ودعم القوات المسلحة المصرية فى حربها القادمة ضد الإرهاب وتطهير أرض مصر من عملاء الوطن سنحارب الإرهاب شعبا وجيشا.
Sisi looking the role
He looks the role now: like the stereotype of a Latin American dictator. One like him appears in Woody Allen's spoof, Bananas.
All is well in Syria, what you see with your own eyes notwithstanding
Tuesday, July 23, 2013
Google keyboard and Arabic language
Muslims and Charity
So who are the activists of the Syrian Observatory?
Daily Star editorial page
Guardian on `Alawites
"I believe media propagandists in Nazi Germany were convicted of facilitating genocide for sectarian incitement?
Promoting sectarian/racist hate when you yourself have no particular beef with (or barely know the existence of)
that particular group has got to be just a step lower than the actual racists.
Syrian Sunnis fear Assad regime wants to 'ethnically cleanse' Alawite heartland
Martin Chulov and Mona Mahmood
The Guardian, Monday 22 July 2013 15.06 EDT
It gives exactly one minor counterexample of Sunni rebel "cleansing" Alawites,
yet every single paragraph leads one to the conclusion that the Syrian state/allied militia are uniquely and intentionally pursuing an 'sectarian cleansing' agenda.
No mentioning of the sectarian cleansing of christians in Qusair (before being retaken) or multitudes of other towns, who were told "convert or die".No mentioning of the replete examples of explicit exterminationist sectarian agenda of the Sunni-sectarian rebels.OF COURSE no mention of Sunnis living in government controlled districts and fighting for regime forces.
It gives a bunch of examples of the regime arming Alawite civilians as proof of sectarian cleansing agenda.
What non-Sunnis are being armed by the rebels? Get real."The general mood among pro-Assad people started to include the possibility of the fall of Damascus, which leaves them under the rule of the FSA [Free Syrian Army rebels] and the Sunnis ... and for the majority of people here it is better to live in an Alawite state, which they feel should include Homs."
Of course nobody is particularly fearing the fall of Damascus now. So all the Sunni-sectarian's theories have been proved to be bullshit.
This whole theory was predicated on their triumphalist strategic thinking which implied the functional sectarian cleansing of Damascus BY Sunnis against Alawites.
"There have been obvious examples of denominational cleansing in different areas in Homs," said local activist, Abu Rami. "It is denominational cleansing; part of a major Iranian Shia plan, which is obvious through the involvement of Hezbollah and Iranian militias. And it's also part of Assad's personal Alawite state project."
"The Syrian regime is using a few military men who served during the civil war in Lebanon as military advisers and they came up with this plan of isolating Alawite villages and Sunni districts. A plan they executed in Lebanon is now history repeating itself."
Oh yes, the Lebanon war experience. SAA fighting Hezbollah.
Involvement of Hezbollah obviously proves a sectarian cleansing agenda. Except Hezbollah has not been implicated in that at all.
I mean, if they were, I'd think FSA/SOHR would mention it. And this is all part of Assad's personal Alawite state "project".
NEWSFLASH: Syria was already Assad's personal state, and he benefitted from including non-Alawite's in it.
No mention of the fact that ALL non-Sunni (and plenty of Sunnis, both Arabs and especially Kurds) are more comfortable with Assad than the "rebels". Some Alawite state.
"Nine months ago, the regime created the National Defence Army, which is Shabiha [loyalist militia of Shia and Alawite] volunteers," he said. "They are the most bloody killers, even more brutal than the army."
I'm pretty sure the Guardian itself has written of NDA/Shabiha including members of others sects, Christians in particular. Are Christians now crypto-Shia along with Alawites?
They quote Jumblatt but never mention the position of Syrian Druze.
(I guess the Druze who go along with the regime must count as Shia as well, only the 'good' Druze like Jumblatt are not amongst the Shia dogs?)
Jumblatt: "The crucial point was when the battle of Homs started and it quickly became clear that the regime wanted to clear the whole route to Damascus and beyond.
Wait: When did the battle of Homs start? When rebels started trying to take it over and shooting regime forces? Or when the regime started winning?
"In Homs city, Abu Ahmed, a commander of the FSA-aligned al-Farouq brigade, said: "The regime is encouraging Alawite families in the Homs countryside who have friction with Sunnis to head to Alawite districts in the city. We are pretty sure that the regime wants to take Homs city and countryside and make it just for Alawites."
Hm. I presume the commander of the al-Farouq brigade would tell us up front if these Alawites were facing difficulties living in Sunni rebel dominated areas, right?
So there couldn't be any reason why they would leave such areas to move to "Alawite districts of Homs" other than sectarian cleansing of Sunni Homs residents.Wait...
How does Alawites moving into Alawite districts lead to sectarian cleansing of Sunnis? ...But maybe this guy is on to something big...
If Assad is planning to cleanse Homs of Sunnis... We should be expecting a pullout of all Sunni soldiers in the SAA from Homs, right? That sounds pretty significant.Compare:comments from sources with clear anti-regime agenda are NEVER given any sectarian affiliation at all,
which of course lessens the perception of them as pursuing a sectarian agenda:
"What else could be going on?" asked one resident who refused to be identified. "This is the most secure area of the city and it is the only building that has been burned. A conspiracy is underway."
"There have been obvious examples of denominational cleansing in different areas in Homs," said local activist, Abu Rami. "It is denominational cleansing; part of a major Iranian Shia plan, which is obvious through the involvement of Hezbollah and Iranian militias. And it's also part of Assad's personal Alawite state project."
But Alawites are routinely identified as such, sometimes with NO other information about them other than being an Alawite:
""There was one [supply run] in 2012 and two months ago," one Alawite said. "Now every household in the Alawite villages across the coast receives a government-sponsored package of an AK‑47, two hand grenades and ammunition. If you joined a 'public resistance movement' you'd receive a lot more.""
"Residents of Alawite strongholds in Tartus and Latakia confirmed that arms had been offered to them three times since the uprising began in March 2011."
But Tartus and Latakia are majority Sunni. So how can they be Alawite strongholds? In fact, they are REGIME strongholds, not Alawite strongholds.
Even within the article it acknowledges that the "Alawite State retreating to ethnically cleansed homeland when Damascus falls" doesn't match up with current reality,
even though they rely on that premise for much of the article as a plausible rationale for much of the commentary and conclusions drawn.
You would be amused that Israel manages to play a special cameo role, supposedly negotiating over the (now revealed to be very unlikely, but don't let that affect your judgement of the reliability of FSA sources) "Alawite retreat from Damascus" scenario: what was the negotiation? Returning or revealing the location of a handful of Israeli military who were captured in Lebanon (ON OFFENSIVE OPERATIONS, obviously). as well as the body of Israeli spy caught and executed in Syria. The article didn't make it clear how hard of a bargain Israel insisted on driving in order to cooperate with a religious minority not being subject to an exterminationist sectarian cleansing."
Zionist fanatics at Frontpage and Campus Watch
sectarian objections of Rand Paul
Agent Orange and depleted uranium
Zionists want a really long war in Syria
Congressional concerns eased
Drone attacks
Forgotten Iraq
I say Arab liberals deserve Al-Baradei
Without their own candidate, the liberals were faced with a choice in the runoff between a military-backed candidate and the Islamist Morsi. Most chose Morsi. A delegation of youth leaders met with the Brotherhood nominee and extracted promises: Secular ministers would be included in the cabinet, and the new constitution would be forged by a consensus among secular and Islamist parties."
The fate of Aleppo's two bishops
It is said that the murderers have different nationalities. One of them is from Russia, the other one is from Chechenya while the third one is bearing the Syrian nationality. According to the same reports, Turkish authorities extradited three killers to their countries.
On the same day pro-opposition Syrian observatory claimed that the fates of bishops are still unclear.
Some Turkish sources claimed in May that the two bishops were kidnapped by a group close to Turkey, who are also responsible of kidnapping 11 Lebanese pilgirms. Some sources in Syriac community in Turkey told daily Sol that before the kidnapping of Yohanna İbrahim, Turkish Foreign Minister tried to convince them to move their center from Damascus to Turkey. And he was kidnapped just a week later they returned the offer of Davutoğlu. They claimed that there should be a relation between Davutoğlu's offer and the kidnapping. Turkish goverment has been trying to convince Syriacs, offer them citizenship and houses to defect from Syria to show that "even Christians flee from the dictatorship."
Talal Asad in Jadaliyya: when he speaks, I listen
TA: I mean the army as well as the fuloul—that is, the beneficiaries of the Mubarak regime. I think they knew exactly what they were doing, I think that they took advantage of a certain amount of popular dissatisfaction, and there was a lot of mutual coming and going between them. For example, Mohamed ElBaradei had conversations some months ago in Saudi Arabia with Ahmed Shafiq, the old candidate who stood unsuccessfully against Morsi and was the last prime minister under Mubarak’s rule, and who represents (or at least one of the people who represents) interests of Mubarak’s beneficiaries–including the army. And they certainly made all sorts of agreements there as leaders of the National Salvation Front, and I cannot believe that the army was not aware of that communication. I think perhaps that most of the young people in the Tamarod Movement were probably not aware–although it now turns out that some of the biggest millionaires, like Naguib Sawiris, for example, were bankrolling the movement and supporting it in other ways. So I think there was a “coordination”–if not a “conspiracy” as many now allege–to make the opposition effective by fair means or foul. What worries me really is the intervention of the army, something that was not anticipated by everyone (although some NSF leaders had publicly called for it), and the consequent suspension of the constitution that had been approved by a substantial majority in a referendum. I am worried that now there is a total vacuum that will be filled for a long time by the army, despite the fact that the temporary president, appointed by the army (and who was head of the pro-Mubarak Supreme Constitutional Court), has been accorded powers that exceed those which the suspended constitution gave to Morsi, the elected president."
Christian domestic violence
Family Violence Law in Lebanon
«من أقدم بقصد استيفائه حقوقه الزوجية في الجماع أو بسببه على ضرب زوجه أو إيذائه".
Monday, July 22, 2013
Al-Arabiyya: Saudi sleaze media
Aljazeera America
racist from an early age in Israel
So who is a good judge on whether Indyk, the fanatic Zionist, is qualified to do the job? An Israeli who was hired by Indyk at WINEP
The New York Times can't understand Pakistani suspicions because the CIA offered fake hepatatis faccine and not polio
Zionism is always racism
Hasan Nasrallah and the EU ban
Syrian Observatory for Human Rights admits (finally) that its activists are armed men

adventures of Saudi princes
Racial discrimination against Israelis?
Yusuf Abdalki
CORRECTION: Somebody will be fired over this: Al-Arabiyya (the station of King Fahd's brother-in-law) shows protesters beating the portrait of Saudi King with shoes--SHOES, I am telling you
Gay killings in Yemen
Crimes of the Syrian regime: from Al-Akhbar's editor-in-chief
Even before the Syrian uprising broke out, there was an army of corrupt officials operating like mafias in all aspect of the state bureaucracy. They are the ones to blame for having alienated a sizeable section of the Syrian population in the first place.
They come in all shapes and sizes: those who hoard goods to raise prices, who gamble with the country’s currency, who smuggle and sell Syria’s heritage on the black market, who are outright thieves and criminals dressed up as soldiers. They can carry on because they enjoy political cover from officials with influence in government.
Some have even committed the ugliest massacres like the one in the town of al-Baidaa (Banyas), in the name of the Popular Committees tasked with defending their localities. Has anyone in the upper echelons of the state heard of Hilal al-Assad and his gang? Do they actually think his presence on the ground actually helps Syria?
And what about the security forces and their many criminal practices, be it kidnapping protesters they filmed at demonstrations for ransom, to arresting and harassing people for voicing the slightest objection to government policies, to the mistreatment of those imprisoned in the regime’s notorious detention centers."
The Story of Bahrain
Sunday, July 21, 2013
How to Keep Israeli myths alive
Those are Muslim slaves of Israel who attended Iftar at Shimon Peres House

Al-Khayyir is safe and sound
The New York Times smears Helen Thomas
`Abdul-`Aziz Al-Khayyir
what happened in Aleppo
Obedient US courts
The UC Berkeley library
PS Yes, I went to the librarian to protest but was told that the person in charge was not available.
Anne Barnard from Damascus
Corrupt PA collaborationist clique explains why it has agreed to talks with Israel
How could the Palestinian negotators headed by the chief Buffoon have doubts when the Americans provided guarantees?
Final status issues
What has the PA collaborators agreed to
Seniro Palestinian negotiator
Look at the tortured language of the Times when it covers a story of persecution and repression in Israel: it is always about complexity and anguish and pain
The Nation Magazine and its Zionists staff will tell people how to state their views on Israeli brutality lest they offend Israeli occupiers
PS The lousy Nation magazine first inserted a sentence explaining that her passion for Palestine was due to her heritage but later changed it.
How Israel was founded: the US media version
Farah Antun on the US
Those are the Muslims who attended the Iftar at the Israeli embassy in Washington, DC
let the puppets do the job
700-year-old Plain of Jars civilization
careful selection
Saturday, July 20, 2013
The coup in Egypt: its impact on Palestinians
military justice in the US
You can beat an Indian driver in Dubai, but you can't witness it
Helen Thomas
Al-Akhbar and Syria
Lebanese Sunnis heart the US
America and the Muslim "world"
The Democracy Coup in Egypt
Friday, July 19, 2013
Getting rich in the US
" "The "human capital" consisting of black men and women held as chattel in the states of the south was more valuable than all the industrial and transportation capital ("other domestic capital") of the country in the first half of the nineteenth century".
Rapists and child molesters put to use by the FBI
" "The FBI is under pressure to capture terrorists, even where none exist. So they work with some of the worst criminals to entrap losers that likely pose no real threat." (Thanks Amir)
Divestment at UC, Berkeley
" A student senate at the University of California, Berkeley narrowly passed a measure calling on the school to divest from three companies with dealings in the West Bank. Following 10 hours of sometimes heated debate, the Associated Students of the University of California senate early Wednesday morning passed the resolution in an 11-9 vote, the student newspaper, the Daily Californian, reported." (Thanks Osama)
Kissinger and legality
From AK: " Kissinger: Before the Freedom of Information Act, I used to say at meetings, "The illegal we do immediately; the unconstitutional
takes a little longer." [laughter] But since the Freedom of Information Act, I'm afraid to say things like that."
This guy must be talking to Nicholas Blanford's secret Hizbullah sources
" other Hezbollah leaders may be skeptical of Mr. Nasrallah’s decision to go all-in in Syria." Yes. I am sure that Na'im Qasim is opposed.
The UN White Man stands in judgment of Syrian refugees
" Fleeing from the brutality in Syria, many of the refugees, Mr. Kleinschmidt said, “have a disturbed relationship with authority” and distrust people in uniform." You want them to trust Syrian regime and Jordanian regime men in uniform? Disturbed relationship with authority? You mean unlike the Nazi masses who had a healthy relationship?