Friday, June 21, 2013

Angry Arab: the Islamophobe?

Some advocates of the lousy Syrian "revolution"--it is as much a revolution as George W. Bush represented intellectual brilliance--have been describing my views against the Islamist war criminals in the armed opposition as evidence of Islamophobia, and that such views are shared by American Zionists.  Well, American Zionists are of two minds on Syria: some want the regime to stay, and others want to arm the armed opposition to win favor with them. But yes, as somebody who discovered Marxism in my mid-teens, I have been opposed to all religions, and I have certainly been consistently opposed to fundamentalism of any kind (whether Sunni or Shi`ite, Muslim or Jewish, Buddhist or Christian, etc).  There is no mystery to my position. But I also oppose secular tyrants: like Asad or other tyrants in the region (and it is arguable whether Bashshar is secular because he is not. The truly secular Ba`thist regime was Salah Jadid in Syria and the Iraqi Ba`th in the first five or so years.