Wednesday, May 22, 2013

House of Saud media: they feign sensitivity to anti-Semitism

Al-Arabiyya, the mouthpiece of King Fahd's brother-in-law dares to refer to Joseph Massad's anti-Zionist article as "anti-Jewish".  It is rather ironic that House of Saud media feel qualified to comment on whether something is anti-Jewish or not.  Has there ever been a media, since the Nazi era, that has vomited more vile anti-Semitism that House of Saud media?  This is a media that has specialized in producing hatred of Jews and others.  This is a media that still talks about Marxism as a Jewish conspiracy an that borrows heavily from Nazi propaganda on the subject.  They now want to comment on the matter? 

PS These are the most read articles in this sleazy House of Saud website:  "Amina Tyler, Tunisia’s ‘topless jihad’ activist, caught and under arrest".