Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Cambanis on Hizbullah

First it is rather hilarious that Cambanis speaks on behalf of all Arabs but that is a privilege that all Western reporters possess. "An untold number of Hezbollah fighters have been killed in Syria -- so many that the movement has stopped keeping the funerals secret and has even released videos of some of the martyrs. "We bury our martyrs in the open," Nasrallah said in his recent speech. "We are not ashamed of them.""  Our writer does not know Arabic and he totally distorts the section in the speech in which Nasrallah was saying that the number if those dead is bein highly exaggerated and that they don't hide the dead.  The videos are not released by the party but by members of March 14 on their phones.  But hell. Cambanis got the number exactly right: untold number.  Good work, Cambanis.  He then outrageously says this: "Hezbollah positions in Hermel were shelled on May 12" when even Saudi and Hariri media aired footage of schools and homes being hit but for Cambanis and his propaganda work they have to be turned into Hizbullah positions.  
From Foreign Policy magazine.