Friday, April 05, 2013

Economist: can be as dumb as the rest

"Nadim Koteich, whose bitterly sarcastic take-offs of politicians, in particular those of Hizbullah, the Shia party-cum-militia, are popular on Lebanon’s Future TV, often gets death threats."  Ha ha ha and ha.  Economist is now the first publication of any language to refer to this unwatched show by the unfunny man (and a Hariri jounalist--which means he has no credibility and can't be compared to Bassem Youssef) as "popular".  Furthermore, even the Hariri media NEVER reported that Mr. Koteich has received death threats.  You have to be watched on TV to receive death threats.  Having said that: Hariri journalists are known to report to the police "death threats" when they receive an insult on Facebook.  Desperate for publicity and hopefully (for them) more viewers. 

PS Koteich only had his 15 minutes of fame when he--during a Hariri family demonstration--called on people to storm the headquarters of the prime minister.