Friday, April 05, 2013

Another Lebanese crook

"Roger Tamraz is an ultra-shady Lebanese businessman who was involved in several major corruption scandals. He acted as a frontman for Amin Gemayel in the 1980s
Talking to Le Monde, he claimed that his legal problems were the result of a political conspiracy. He said it was because he was a candidate for the Lebanese presidency, that he was No 1 in the polls and wanted to make peace with Israel.
"A l'époque, on voulait abattre Roger Tamraz pour des raisons politiques, dit-il, parlant de lui à la troisième personne. J'étais candidat à la présidence du Liban, en tête des sondages. Je disais qu'il fallait faire la paix avec Israël. C'est pour tout cela qu'on a attaqué ma banque." (thanks "Ibn Rushd")