Wednesday, March 06, 2013

"Zionist lobby's post-Chavez checklist for the U.S."

""The dismantling of Iranian and Hezbollah [enemies of Israel] networks in Venezuela." "Only Washington can make clear to Chinese, Russian, Iranian, and Cuban leaders that, yes, the United States does mind if they try to sustain an undemocratic [Chavez won four elections in 1998, 2000, 2006 & 2012] and hostile regime in Venezuela. Any attempt to suppress their self-determination [Venezuelans voted four times for Chavez] with Chinese cash, Russian arms, Iranian terrorists, or Cuban thuggery will be met with a coordinated regional response." "Of course, the expectation will be that all the costs of these activities will be borne by an oil sector restored to productivity and profitability."" (thanks Amir)