Tuesday, March 05, 2013

"Silly Comments about Arab Culture in Literary Anthology"

From a reader:  "Some silly comments from a translation of Hanan Al-Shaykh's "A Season of Madness."
The translation comes from the excellent and I believe widely used "Longman Anthology of World Literature Volume F, The Twentieth Century, 2nd Edition."

"A woman baring her legs is considered a shameful act in conservative Arab culture." (742)
"Madness is considered a scandal in Arab culture." (742)
"The mother-in-law is a commonly disliked figure in Arab culture, especially when she is the matriarch of the larger family." (744)

As if mother-in-laws aren't mocked in Western culture. Wasn't it Juvenal who said one cannot be happy as long as one's mother-in-law is alive?

If you post this one I'd like to anonymous. Thanks."