Thursday, March 14, 2013

My stance on the Green Revolution in Iran

Many Iranians (including friends and former comrades) attacked me for my critique of the Green Revolution: I argued that while the Iranian people have the right--nay obligation--to overthrow the lousy Islamic regime "by all means necessary", I expressed opposition to the slogans and leadership of the Green Revolution--so called.  The most common complaint that I received from Iranian readers was that I would have supported such a movement if it happened in ANY Arab country and that my Arab nationalist impulse (assuming it exists) prevented me from endorsing such a revolution.  Well, after I have expressed opposition and fierce rejection of many political movements in the Arab uprisings, and many so-called "revolutions", the accusations by Greenists seem hollow.  Some Iranian readers have even apologized to me.  As if I hold different standards of revolution depending on the place. I don't.