Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Ghassan Hito

This has become a comedy act.  US and Qatar told the Syrian people: your leader is Burhan Ghalyun. Then they told them: no, forget Ghalyun.  It is Sida.  Then they told them: no, it is Sabra.  Then they told them: it is Khatib.  Yesterday they told them: forget all other names. We chose an American to lead you. You have never heard of him before he is an Islamist from Texas.  His name is Ghassan Hito.  This is a farce version of the Ahmed Chalabi scenario.  This Hito was a leader in the American Islamist Ikwan affiliated organization, CAIR.  Amazing if you think about it because the US goverment almost banned CAIR as a terrorist organiation after Sep 11 under prodding from Zionists.