Tuesday, February 19, 2013

The US ambassador in Lebanon visits LAU

From a comrade:  "Salamat As'ad:

Below is the text  sent by LAU president on Monday Feb 18 to LAU email accounts. It was marked as a message of high importance! He even has the audacity to say it promises to be an important lecture. Connelly is now an expert on economic matters!!! Prefer that you don't identify me as source of leak so I can keep sending more (and not sure what privacy laws of sharing emails are since this was sent to me as an instructor at the institution) .

Dear Colleagues,
It is my pleasure to invite you to a presentation by H.E. Ms. Maura Connelly, US Ambassador to the Republic of Lebanon, entitled ‘’Current Economic Challenges Facing Lebanon’’. The presentation will take place onWednesday, February 20, 2013, at 5:00 pm in the Business Building, room 904, on the Beirut campus.
(see attached invitation)
Should your schedule permit, I look forward to welcoming all of you at what promises to be an important lecture."  If the Lebanese ambassador in the US were to make a speech about economic challenges facing the US, he would be expelled from the country.