Writing in An-Nahar supplement (the paper is the Lebanese right-wing, racist (against Syrians and Palestinians) sectarian Christian publication which is almost dead), Yassin Hajj Saleh mentions Edward Said. But let me say that writing in An-Nahar about secularism and revolution is like writing in a Nazi publication about Judaism and secularism. I am used to Zionist habitual distortion and misconstruing of Said's ideas but this one is too vulgar for my taste: he claims that Said argued for authenticity when Said was consistently opposed to that. The conclusion of Culture and Imperialism is an indictment of authenticity. I know that Saleh's English is limited but he can at least read them in Arabic: they are available. (thanks Amer)
PS Oh, and the rest of the long article is pure vapidness masquerading as cliched enlightenment.
PS Oh, and the rest of the long article is pure vapidness masquerading as cliched enlightenment.