From David: "There is a tendency I've noticed for some Zionist Jewish Israelis to be
fascinated by silly "behavioral sciences" that claim to a profound understanding
of human behavior in terms of individual choices, rather than political power
and dominance. That finds them much favor in American universities. The
underlying assumption is that "average" people can be better manipulated by
those who claim to understand human behavior, rather than simply encouraging
them to seek the truth about how society really works. This of course is
consistent with an Israeli and American culture that is in denial about
politics, and would rather focus on being clever while avoiding . Thus David
Brooks refers to Eldar Shafir at Princeton, who served in the Israeli Defense
Forces from 1977-1980. I would claim that this area of research is largely a
fraud; whatever contributions it makes are trivial; but it is of value to those
in power."