""Hussam Sabbagh, a Tripolian Salafist sheikh with murky ties
to the jihadist organization Fatah al-Islam, who is also a popular and respected
street commander in Bab al-Tabbaneh, was elected the head of all Salafist
fighting forces in Tripoli. This action is reported to be inspired by the
organization of disparate Syrian Salafist fighting organizations into the
"Gathering of the Ansar of Islam" in northern Syria. The more militant Salafist
sheikhs throughout Tripoli and northern Lebanon are also calling for Lebanese
Sunnis to refrain from fighting in Syria, where there is no shortage of Syrians
willing to fight and die to topple the al-Assad government, and to instead focus
their energies on the battle for the control of Lebanon, starting in Tripoli and
against the Alawite community.""