Sunday, October 21, 2012

What happened in Lebanon today

If 2005 funeral of Rafiq Hariri triggered a political movement that fooled Western governments and media, you can't say the same about the festival of thuggery today.  Flags of Al-Qa`idah were hoisted along with the flags of Syrian armed groups.  The crowd--or some of it--then got out of control and they tried to violently stormed the headquarters of the Lebanese prime minister.  How would have Western governments and media reacted if the Hizbullah crowd in 2007 were to storm the same headquarters when Fu'ad Sanyurah was prime minister?  I bet that the UN Security Council would have issued a toughly-worded statement and the Arab League would have called for an emergency sectarian gathering.  And the call for storming the headquarters of the prime minister was issued by none other than Nadim Qutaysh (a Hariri TV presenter and former broadcaster of US Hurra propaganda TV--my problem with Qutaysh is not about politics is about his insistence on a new show to mimic Jon Stewart but Qutaysh to wit and humor is what Sa`d Hariri is to brilliance and science).  The melange of Salafites and Lebanese Forces "westernized" mob was quite a show.  This is the real movement of March 14 that Western media does not ever report about.  The Zionists in Washington DC championed March 14 and wittingly or unwittingly served as the midwife of Al-Qa`idah in Lebanon.  It would be fair to say that Al-Qa`idah in Lebanon is the legitimate child of Jeffrey Feltman.  I can't way to see what kind of twist Zionist Western media would put on the developments today.  What is ironic is that Western media were hostile to the peaceful sit-in in downtown Beirut while they will be sympathetic to the violent attempt at storming the building today.  Such are the standards of Western governments and media.  Today, the true nature of the "civil" project of March 14 was exposed for all to see.