Monday, October 01, 2012

Pathetic attempts by House of Saud to appease the US (and Israel)

Look at this silly pathetic story.  Al-Arabiyya has this headline:  "When America honored the Prophet 77 years ago".  You read the story and realize that they are talking about the stone engraving of Muhammad on the wall of the Supreme Court of the US.  In fact, this is the only known statue of Muhammad anywhere around the world.  And far from honoring Muhammad, the statue constitutes a blatant offense to Muslims beliefs and sensibilities.  But it tells plenty about House of Saud's attempt to please the US at every corner.  Over the decades, Muslim organizations around the world have petitioned the Supreme Court and pleaded that the statue be removed.  And year after year, the Supreme Court refuses and it does not care about whether Muslims were hurt or offended or not.  Imagine if this was an offense, for example, to the beliefs and feelings of the Jewish people.  I bet that a special sessions of US Congress would be held, and money would be denied to the Supreme Court pending the correction.  I won't be surprised if I read this story on Al-Arabiyya about the drone attacks by the US in Muslims lands: The US deals effectively with diabetes and heart disease among Muslims by killing them from the air.  Did I mention to you that Arabs call Al-Arabiyya "Al-Ibriyyah" (The Hebrew one)??