Friday, October 05, 2012

Meet the mastermind of the most dangerous bomb plot in the US (on behalf of Iran's Revolutionary Guards)

"At school in Baton Rouge, La., he recalled being easily distracted by New Orleans, and going to clubs on Bourbon Street. “I was a party boy,” he told Dr. Saathoff...F.B.I. agents also told Dr. Saathoff that in their dealings with Mr. Arbabsiar, they had portrayed one agent as being President Obama’s “right-hand man.”“ ‘That impressed him. He wants to be important,’ ” Dr. Saathoff quoted the agent as saying about Mr. Arbabsiar.  Mr. Arbabsiar’s suggestion that his case might be resolved through a deal appears to have grown out of his view that because no one had been hurt or killed in the plot, such a resolution might be acceptable. He said that if he had killed someone, he should go to prison. “But nothing happened,” he is quoted as saying, “so I think that there is a chance to make a deal that works for both of us."  How could you after this doubt this story of the sinister plot?