Tuesday, October 02, 2012

Lozenge in English (losange in French)

If you look up the Entomology of Lozenge, you are directed to French for the word, Losange.  I am talking about what they call as the "throat lozenge".  While reading a book on Harun Ar-Rashid, I encountered the word in Arabic (but clearly of partly non-Arabic etymological origin) listed as one of the sweets in the Baghdadi royal court.  Sure enough, it is listed in Lisan Al-`Arab with a root from lawz (almond), which entered into many of the early Arabic desserts.  It is pronounced as Al-Lawaziynaj, and related to Qata'if. 

اللَّوْزِيْنَجُ من الحلواء شبه القطائف تُؤْدَمُ بدهن اللَّوْزِ، والله أَعلم" (لسان العرب)