Monday, October 22, 2012

Hariri, then and now

Basim sent me this:

"As the goons and thugs of March 14 attempted to storm the PM headquarters and continue to rampage throughout Beirut, Saad Hariri issued the following statement:
"We want peace, the government should fall but we want that in a peaceful way. I call on all those who are in the streets to pull back," Hariri told supporters after the attack, speaking on the Future Television channel.
Yet when Hariri peacefully lost his parliamentary majority in early 2011 after Hezbollah pulled out of the governing coalition and thanks to the whims of Walid Jumblatt), March 14 described the transition of power like this:
"As for the coup that Hezbollah is carrying out, it is an attempt to put the office of prime minister under the control of Wilayat al Fakih (Iran's clerical authority)," they said in a statement.
“Forcing a candidacy through intimidation fails to lay the foundations for a Lebanese state and dialogue but rather violates the Constitution and the people’s right and will,” - Okab Sakr
"Me and my allies, we will represent the opposition," [Hariri] said ... "What has happened is virtually a coup d'etat, a political coup d'etat."
Hariri is now calling for the armed, sectarian gangs who want to lynch Mikati to conduct themselves in a "peaceful way" but when he lost his constitutional hold on parliament, it was a "coup d'etat" and cause to unleash his militant thugs yet again in their trademark hooliganism."