Friday, September 07, 2012

From Aleppo

""Many people here expressed solidarity with peaceful protests against the regime, but 90 percent are totally against the use of violence and the language of arms," says the owner of Che Che cafe, where patrons smoke shisha water pipes after sundown despite the rattle of nearby gunfire.
In the Christian quarter of Aziziyeh, Elias and Johnny, both 38, are at their wits' end. "And plenty of the rebels are foreign Islamists. What are they doing in our city? I'm sure 90 percent of the real people of Aleppo, rich or poor, share my opinion."
"All these sacrifices for the Islamists, the people of Al-Qaeda, to take over? It's unbearable," says Khaled, a liberal lawyer. While he was pro-revolution from day one, now Khaled is thinking of leaving the country altogether. "If I fall into the hands of the Syrian army I'll be tortured for sure. But life with those others is certain death," he says." (thanks Basim)