Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Cooper and Worth: a propaganda brochure for Oabam's reelection

This is an utterly dishonest piece of journalism.  It could have been written by a campaign staffer by Barry Obama.  It falsely claims that Obama stood with the Egyptian people all along against Mubarak.  1) It does not mention that Obama sent Frank Wisner (a friend of Mubarak) to help save the regime. 2) It does not mention attacks on the protesters and on the Egyptian people from the podium of the White House and from the State Department.  3) It does not mention that the State Department's spokesperson attacked the Egyptian youth and called them to stop their violence against the regime--literally said that; 4) the article talks about Barry Obama urging "transition" in Egypt, but it does not mention that the US plan of transition called for Mubarak to surrender power to the head of the secret police, `Umar Sulayman (pretty much what the US did in Yemen: to save the regime and get rid of an unpopular dictator. 5) It talks about Obama's lack of personal relations with Arab leaders as if he has been less deferential and less supportive of Arab potentates than his predecessors.  Such articles serve as an example of biased pro-Democratic Party propaganda that I read in the New York Times.  In the case of Ben Bradlee at the Post, it helped that the man had no politics really.