"Unions belonging to Amal, Hezbollah, LF, Syrian National Social Party
(SSNP), Baath, Future Movement, LCP, and the Progressive Socialist
Party (PSP), who dominate the labor movement, did not find it necessary
to defend union freedoms, unionization rights, or collective bargaining.
They all acted as if the Spinneys issue did not concern them. Future Movement media organizations launched a campaign to defend the
company’s management against the workers, even though some of them are
party members. Although it has always boasted about being a defender of freedoms and
workers rights, al-Jadeed TV channel decided to avoid the whole issue. The FPM’s outlet, OTV, did something far worse. It changed its
programming to prevent a regular rerun of an interview with former labor
minister Charbel Nahhas. The minister had earlier refused to abide by
the station’s conditions not to mention the Spinneys workers struggle in
a live interview." (thanks Eddy)